Dec 27, 2021
Bitcoin “HODLers” are using at home multimillion-dollar trading studios to decide not to sell.
Bitcoin “HODLers” are using at home multimillion-dollar trading studios to determine if they will sell. The answer always seems to be, no.

Bitcoin “HODLers” are using at home multimillion-dollar trading studios to determine if they will sell. The answer always seems to be, no.

A niche profession once considered unattainable by everyone except for Wallstreet Millionaires like Gordon Gekko, the rise of cryptocurrency exchanges and mobile stockbrokers has changed everything in the realm of not selling an asset.

A younger more tech-savvy generation of Bitcoin Hodlers have taken advantage of every available innovation in technology and market strategy they can find to not sell their Bitcoin.

Some at-home “trading dojos” can reach into the millions of dollars. Dozens of 4k ultra-HD computer monitors, the most powerful home PCs civilians can buy, gigabyte fiberoptic internet connections. No expense is too great when it comes to not pressing the sell button.


The most trustless voice in crypto and tech news. I write satirical news for entertainment purposes only. Follow me on Medium and on Twitter. @thesatverse